McCarroll-Williams Designs

Current Reads

Current Read...

In the face of a long layover and a dead Nook, I was helpless and scummed to purchasing my first paperback book in nearly a year. Ssssssssssss. Actually, the purchase was Michael's but he hasn't even noticed that I'm reading it (and already a good way through it, for that matter.)

I'm not a big legal thriller reader so this is a departure for me. But, it seems to be holding my attention and I'm keeping up with its pace pretty well. Like I said, this is a departure for me and being that I often read before bed, it's essential that a book not go over my head as I often read in a groggy daze and more times than not, have to re-read a chapter because I was reading half-asleep. 

I really liked the Lincoln Lawyer (movie) and thought I'd keep up in reading the next book in the Micky Holler series. It has yet to disappoint and I may even make it to the third installment...

Still Reading...

I'm currently reading Life Is So Good by George Dawson. This book is an incredible testament to the human spirit. Mr. Dawson decided to learn to read in his late 90's but the book is about so much more than just his journey to literacy. It is his life's memoir and begins with childhood recollections of growing up in a deeply segregated small east Texas town. As a teen, he travels as far north as Canada and as far south as Mexico for work. He even returns home to find that his family has moved and are nowhere to be found. He wonders why they didn't write but then quickly realizes they wouldn't have known where to send mail and even if he received word from them, he wouldn't be able to read what they'd written. During WWII, his employer asks him to "make his mark" on a piece of paper that he couldn't identify. He later learned that piece of paper saved him ever seeing battle. 

Perhaps the most poignant part of his life story is his determination to see the good in every thing and every body. He truly lived every day knowing that life, truly is, so good. I can't wait to read what Mr. Dawson opens my eyes to next...

Last Read...

I finished Mudbound by Hillary Jordan a few weeks ago. It's set in Mississippi soon after WWII has ended. It's told by several people as their stories intertwine. The main character is a well-to-do, Memphis born socialite that is taken from her comfortable and charming city life to live on her husband's newly acquired cotton farm. She knows nothing about being a farm-wife and has little interest in such a life. Other notable characters soon appear when she's introduced to the sharecropping family that resides on the farm. The story covers a multitude of complex issues such as racial tension and marital woes. Overall, it is by far one of the best books that I have ever read. Hands down. 

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